18 September 2012

The Meaning of Time*

To understand the meaning of ONE YEAR

ask a student who has failed his exam

To understand the meaning of ONE MONTH

ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby

To understand the meaning of ONE WEEK

ask an editor of a weekly magazine

To understand the meaning of ONE DAY

ask a daily wage labor

To understand the meaning of ONE HOUR

ask a girl who is waiting for her boy

To understand the meaning of ONE MINUTE

ask a person who has missed the train

To understand the meaning of ONE SECOND

ask a person who has survived an accident

To understand the meaning of ONE MILLI-SECOND

ask a sprinter who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

And lastly, are you aware that the time ispassing by?

Are you ready to be responsible to Allah?
How you use every milli-second of your time?


*) Taken from a book: "Tafakur; Gado-Gado Simpang Lima"

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Perkenalkan! Saya Nurul Maria Sisilia. Seorang pengajar, penulis, dan pekerja sosial. Saya senang menulis hal menarik yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari. Mari berbincang!

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