26 Desember 2012

"Embun" Theater Class in Subang

Naik mobil pick up ke lokasi itu tak bisa dikatakan sebagai latihan fisik tapi lebih kepada latihan mental. :D


"Hello" expression. Just arrived at Subang.

Materi pertama dari k' Opik, "Sejarah Teater".

Keep focus! :D

T' imas #baca puisi! 

Tian #baca puisi!

K' Haris #StandUpComedy :p

Materi kedua dari K' Irfan, "Drama da(lam)n Hidup Kita".

2nd Day: The Excercise!

Waktunya #LatihanTeater

Masih #latihanTeater

Tahan tawa! :D

Take a photo while the excercise. Keep your style. LOL

Irez in the green grass.

When Nurul meet the cow, and she imagine about being the Potter. "Wingardium Leviosa!" :p

Take a resr. Enjoy the meal :)

Feel tired? or hungry? both of them, really.  :D

In fact, she is the youngest one.

Then, he is  (ehm, sorry) the oldest. :D

Look like the soulmate. Dewi and Etla.

Materi pamungkas, "Cerita bersambung" dan "Stand up Comedy" :D

Subang, 24-25 Desember 2012

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Mengenai Saya

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Perkenalkan! Saya Nurul Maria Sisilia. Seorang pengajar, penulis, dan pekerja sosial. Saya senang menulis hal menarik yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari. Mari berbincang!

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